Sunday, June 26, 2016

Wildlife photographers, nature spotters!

This week we were photographers whilst we were out and about. We are going to make our own identification charts, so needed to practice taking close-up pictures. What do you think?

After that, we went into the nest to start preparing for a woodlouse investigation. We want to find out what conditions they prefer in their habitat. We have some good ideas, that we are going to test. 

We then started to make our identification sheets, using book creator. We learned how to crop pictures to centre them and make them look better.

We had a lovely reward at the end of the day- some of the elderflower cordial we made last week! It was yummy! 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Poor old Billy!

Poor old Billy had a bit of an accident last night! He went out on his bike at night to look for some urban foxes, but fell off and hurt his wrist! Poor Billy! He wasn't wearing any reflective or fluorescent clothing, so wasn't really being safe. If we had been there, we wouldn't have been much help either as our first aid training wasn't up to date. Oh dear!


We realised that it has been really important for the WPIT team to renew their first aid certificates, in case this happens again. They have received training from St John's ambulance and learned how to respond to different situations. We had to show what we would do if different accidents happened.

We remembered to follow the DR ABC rule when checking people who have had an accident. This means we check for dangers, response, airways are clear, breathing and consciousness. Once we remembered this, we practised putting people in the recovery position if they are unconscious.

Then we put on our protective gloves to deal with bleeding and apply dressings. 

After we had mastered the bandages, we learned how to make slings in cas esomeone had a broken arm. That would have helped Billy! 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Harling Nature Reserve Inspection

This morning, the WPIT inspection team have been out to the Harling Nature Reserve to see if any work needs doing. They were pleased to see that the new portable information centre had been erected and looked big enough for groups of about 10 children. This would give them enough room to spread out any books or pads. 

Later in the day, the WPIT team inspected the nature reserve for wild flowers, to see if they could create a quiz for children. They needed to see which ones were the most common. 

They completed a survey and learned that some wild flowers are quite prolific, like ox-eye daisies, and some are less common, like forget-me-nots. 


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What has happened to the WPIT website?

The WPIT team had a bit of a shock today when they received an email from Mrs Marley. 

When they looked at their website they could see that she was right- there was nothing on the nocturnal wildlife page! What on Earth had happened? Hayden, who was in charge of the website team, could not explain it and some members thought he should be sacked! Rohan made a phone call to see if anyone could help, but no luck.

Other members of the team had seen and heard things during the previous night. They were worried that the security cameras were not working and that they hadn't been looked after. Someone was responsible! Other members of WPIT thought that Hayden should be given a second chance to put things right on the website.

It was a tough decision and everyone got to have a say.

Fortunately for Hayden, there was a very small majority who thought he should be given a second chance. He had to put the website right. Jasper said that it was ok, that they all just needed to get to work straight away, rewriting the information. So that's just what they did!  The owl, squirrel, badger, bat, fox and hedgehog experts all went off their separate ways to get to work to put the website right.