Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Fraction lightbulbs!

Dora could explain today why both quarters of bread were the same, even though they looked different. She said her lightbulb had gone 'ding' again!

Lewie persevered and found a way of dividing a triangle into quarters. Wow Lewie - you did some really big thinking!  Lewie explained how he did it to other children in the class who hadn't quite got there yet. 

There go Miss BB's socks again!!


  1. What great thinking and you get to eat some of the results! We must try some fraction work the next time we have toast for snack.
    Ms Breyley, Shetland

  2. My Year 3 class are learning about fractions at the moment so I will try out your activities with them tomorrow to see if they are a clever as you! How did Lewis get the idea to fold his triangle on that way?

    1. Lewie was doing lots of trial and error folding, after folding other shapes. He just kept persevering until the shapes looked equal when they were on top of each other, like all the other shapes had been.

  3. Wow! Fantastic fraction work! I'm especially impressed that you could explain what you had learnt to your class. My year 3 class are also learning about fractions with food tomorrow. What fraction of our Starbursts will be yellow, red, green or orange?
