Thursday, January 28, 2016

Data interrogators!

'ello, 'ello, 'ello. What have we here then? It's only a data interrogator!! 

This week we have been asking and answering lots of questions. We have used doodle buddy on the ipad to create bar charts to show our favourite subject at school.

 ICT (computing) is very popular! So is history - all that lovely learning about the Great Fire of London, Samuel Pepys and Florence Nightingale methinks.

Today the data interrogators thought of questions that they would like answered, then they went off to different classes to ask their questions. Once they had gathered their data, they used a spreadsheet to create a graph for them.

1 comment:

  1. What super interrogators you are! It looks like you are using and applying your information well on the computers. You certainly did well gathering your information when you came to ask us questions in Cherry class.
    I saw your lovely Florence Nightingale collage pictures! They look amazing Rowan class.
