Thursday, February 4, 2016

Algorithm writers!

In maths today we were thinking about right angles, position and direction. We did some moving around in class, then went to the ICT suite to try some computing games that would help us learn to use our skills. We had to do lots of BIG thinking and it made our brains hurt! 


Big thinking

Some of us wrote algorithms for Anna and Elsa to skate, using Frozen on hour of code. It made us really think! You can play here if you like.

 Our digital leaders were really helpful, but even they had to do some BIG thinking! Sometimes their code didn't work, so they had to debug it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rowan Class, I love how you linked angles with writing algorithms! We have used 'hour of code' at the school I work at, all of the children loved the 'Frozen' code. Well done to your Digital Leaders on supporting you all, you must all be very resilient completing work like that!
    Mrs Jones
    Layton Primary School
